Clinics We Offer

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Clinics Available at Hamstreet Surgery

The following clinics are available at Hamstreet Surgery for the health and well-being of our patients.

Blood Test Clinics

Blood test appointments are available at Hamstreet Surgery each morning, Monday - Friday. Please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment.


Hospital Blood Clinics - Adults & Children (over 5 years) can also book appointments at East Kent Hospitals, including the William Harvey Hospital, Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm


Specialist Nursing Clinics

Some of our nurses provide specialist clinics, as well as general nursing. These clinics include:

  • INR (warfarin monitoring)
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Contraceptive advice and reviews - including contraceptive pills, injections, and emergency contraception (within 72 hours).

Contraceptive Clinics

Dr Claire Jacobs & Dr Helen Daniel can offer contraceptive counselling and a range of services including:

  • Coil fitting / removal (specialist clinic, subject to availability)
  • Implant fitting / removal (specialist clinic, subject to availability)
  • Administration of contraceptive injections
  • Contraceptive Pills
  • Emergency Contraception (within 72 hours)

Contact reception to arrange a routine appointment with one of our specialist nurses or a GP for any contraceptive advice.

If you are prescribed a GLP-1 medication (such as Mounjaro) for Type 2 Diabetes or Weight Loss please click here for important information on contraception.

Child Health Clinics

Child Assessment and Immunisation Clinics are held for specific immunisations and health checks.

Your baby or child will be invited when they are due for these in accordance with the UK vaccination schedule.

To find out more about vaccines offered and the infectious diseases they protect against, please click here.

Travel Health

Our practice nurses can provide travel advice and may be able to offer some, or all, of the necessary vaccinations at the surgery.

Cardiology Clinics

Dr Anup Patel is one of four General Practitioners with a Specialist Interest (GPSI) in Cardiology in the Ashford area. These clinics are generally held weekly at the surgery for patients within the East Kent area. Appointments are made by referral only. 

Minor Operations

Dr David Bridge undertakes minor operations in the surgery in a specialist clinic for patients registered at Hamstreet Surgery. These appointments are subject to availability.

Contact our reception team to book a routine appointment with any GP in the first instance and, if appropate, they can arrange for you to be added to the waiting list for the removal of skin lesions/lumps.

Musculoskeletal Clinics

Dr David Bridge holds a musculoskeletal (MSK) clinic at the surgery, available for Hamstreet Surgery patients only. These appointments are subject to availability. 

Any of our GPs can arrange for you to be added to the waiting list; simply contact reception to book a routine doctors appointment.

non nhs

Hamstreet Surgery undertakes limited Non-NHS services, including insurance and firearms licensing paperwork completion.

Specialist Teams & Services

Social Prescribers

A team of Social Prescribers work throughout our Rural PCN to provide social support for our patients.

Please speak to a GP or a member staff at the surgery if you think you, or someone you know, might benefit from their advice or support.

Health Visitor Team

The Health Vistor team can be contacted on 0300 7900315 between 9.00am and 5.00pm to provide advice and support for families with young children.

The Duty Health Visitor (Helpline for parents) is also available between 2.00pm and 5.00pm on 0300 1233092.

The Midwife

The Midwife holds antenatal clinics at Hamstreet Surgery once a week by appointment only.

Emergency Midwifery Unit / Triage is available 24 hours a day for concerns relating to maternal or fetal wellbeing: 01233 616638

Women are now able to self-refer for maternity care electronically via the East Kent Hospitals website. For the best care for women and their babies, we encourage you to self-refer as soon as possible to allow for have early screening tests.

The District Nursing Team

The district nursing team provide nursing care in the community for patients who are housebound.

Please contact the surgery to arrange a referral if you require nursing care at home and are unable to get to the surgery. Please note: lack of transport does not make you eligible for this service.

If you are already known to the team, you can contact them directly on 0300 123 0915.


PodPlus Ltd intermittently hold clinics at Hamstreet Surgery. These appointments are subject to availability. This is a private service; fees apply.

Please contact:
Podplus Ashford 01233 660851
Julie Rose Stadium, Kent TN24 9QX

Healthcare Team Available To Help You

A range of healthcare professionals work at the surgery and in the wider community to help you get the right care when you need it.

To find out more click here.

Drop-In Clinics & Support Groups

Come & Meet Our Social Prescribing Team

Our adult social prescribing team are going to be running a drop-in service at the Woodchurch community hub on the green.

Come along on the first Thursday afternoon of each month between 2-4pm.

You can access the social prescribing team directly by just popping in. This is available for patients registered at Hamstreet, Woodchurch, Ivy Court and Charing surgeries only. There will be an opportunity for you to discuss your needs without contacting your GP.

What can a Social Prescriber do?

  • Introduce you community groups, a new activity or a local club.
  • Benefits advice and blue badge applications.
  • Assessments for home aids if you are struggling to remain independent.
  • Volunteering opportunities.

Dementia drop-in

Dementia Drop-In Clinic

Dementia drop-in clinics are held between 12pm-2pm on the first Friday of every month. The clinic is held at different GP surgeries around Ashford on a rotation basis.

If you or a relative has been diagnosed with dementia and you need more information and support, please pop in for a chat. No appointment is required. The clinics are open to patients of Charing, Hamstreet, Ivy Court and Woodchurch surgeries.

The clinics are led by Consultant Psychiatrist for Older People, supported by representatives from Carer Support and Alzheimer’s Society.

You can get support and advice on many areas of living with dementia including:

  • Advice on treatment, including medication and therapies
  • Support and strategies
  • Ideas to promote well-being and maintain activities
  • Discuss the impact of changing relationships and responsibilities
  • Signposting and information about other services available